Rachael Thompson, Genesis Advice Ltd

Business overview

Registered Financial Adviser

Products and services I offer

I'm a Financial Adviser specialising in smarter mortgages and one of the things I love is getting people into their own home

I believe everyone deserves a chance to pay off their mortgage as fast as possible while still living a comfortable lifestyle

I use a unique process to structure your finances creating flexibility and certainty enabling you to see the light at the end of the tunnel, because my philosophy is that having a smarter mortgage saves you money

The team have collectively helped thousands of people create financial certainty and as part of that team I'm ready to show you how to transform your mortgage into a smarter mortgage

Why I'm in the NZ Businesswomen

To meet like-minded business woman who want to grow their business and revenue in a structured, supported and learning environment

My gallery

My point of difference

Hold your hand and walk with you throughout the whole lending and property purchase process
Help you setup a loan structure and debt repayment plan that works for you and your situation
Review the market and let you know current solutions that might fit your plans and situation
Show you have to pay off your mortgage faster
Review your existing loan structure
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